Flight BHS229


smartCARS version, 2024/5/10 UTC*[19:16:19] Preflight started, flying on VATSIM*[19:16:19] Flying PMDG 737-700 Bahamasair (C6-BFX - 2019)*[19:25:09] Flaps set to position 1*[19:25:25] Flaps set to position 2*[19:25:33] Flaps set to position 3*[19:27:30] Pushing back with 24985 lb of fuel*[19:28:21] Engine 2 is on*[19:29:32] Flaps set to position 4*[19:29:36] Flaps set to position 5*[19:29:38] Flaps set to position 6*[19:29:42] Flaps set to position 7*[19:29:43] Engine 1 is on*[19:29:47] Flaps set to position 8*[19:29:58] Flaps set to position 7*[19:30:03] Flaps set to position 6*[19:30:07] Flaps set to position 5*[19:30:09] Flaps set to position 4*[19:30:13] Flaps set to position 3*[19:33:41] Taxiing to runway*[19:36:18] Taking off*[19:36:40] Climbing, pitch: 13, roll: 4 degrees left, 163 kts*[19:36:51] Gear lever raised at 349 ft at 173 kts*[19:37:35] Flaps set to position 2 at 3409 ft at 199 kts*[19:37:39] Flaps set to position 1 at 3765 ft at 195 kts*[19:37:46] Flaps set to position 0 at 4475 ft at 187 kts*[20:07:25] Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL*[20:10:07] Speed corrected at 3357 ft after a max speed of 264 kts*[20:10:52] Flaps set to position 1 at 3089 ft at 202 kts*[20:11:16] Flaps set to position 2 at 3072 ft at 172 kts*[20:11:20] Flaps set to position 3 at 3062 ft at 168 kts*[20:11:34] Gear lever lowered at 3081 ft at 157 kts*[20:12:04] Flaps set to position 4 at 3077 ft at 162 kts*[20:12:07] Flaps set to position 5 at 3096 ft at 161 kts*[20:12:53] Flaps set to position 6 at 1920 ft at 162 kts*[20:15:02] Touched down early at -147 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 6*[20:15:35] Landed in 5147 ft, fuel: 20081 lb, weight: 139174 lb*[20:15:35] Taxiing to gate*[20:16:04] Flaps set to position 5*[20:16:07] Flaps set to position 4*[20:16:10] Flaps set to position 3*[20:16:14] Flaps set to position 2*[20:16:18] Flaps set to position 1*[20:16:26] Flaps set to position 0*[20:21:56] The flight may now be ended*[20:21:56] Arrived, flight duration: 00:54*[20:23:07] Engine 2 is off*[20:23:07] Engine 1 is off

Flight Details

Gross Revenue:
(127 load / $ 340, 282, 000, 000, 000, 014, 192, 072, 600, 942, 972, 764, 160.00 per unit
$ 43, 215, 814, 000, 000, 003, 464, 666, 222, 289, 872, 656, 269, 312.00
Fuel Cost:
(5208 fuel used @ 0.78 / unit)
$ 4, 062.24



Flight Map