Flight BHS370


smartCARS version, 2023/4/27 UTC*[18:23:09] Preflight started, flying offline*[18:23:09] Flying Asobo_ATR 42-600_Bahamasair C6-BFT*[18:47:43] Pushing back with 5022 lb of fuel*[18:52:02] Flaps set to position 1*[18:54:23] Sim paused*[18:56:05] Sim unpaused*[18:56:32] Engine 2 is on*[19:01:21] Engine 1 is on*[19:05:30] Taxiing to runway*[19:09:05] Taking off*[19:09:20] Climbing, pitch: 8, roll: 1 degrees left, 99 kts*[19:09:25] Gear lever raised at 91 ft at 113 kts*[19:09:29] Flaps set to position 0 at 248 ft at 110 kts*[19:09:36] Stalling*[19:09:37] Stall recovered after a minimum speed of 122 kts*[19:17:52] Cruising at 13000ft, pitch: 2, 272 kts*[19:29:52] Descending*[19:32:59] Approaching*[19:38:22] Final approach, 248 kts*[19:39:20] Flaps set to position 1 at 2568 ft at 178 kts*[19:41:17] Flaps set to position 2 at 1565 ft at 153 kts*[19:43:57] Go around conditions met*[19:43:59] Gear lever lowered at 1577 ft at 121 kts*[19:44:03] Flaps set to position 3 at 1631 ft at 116 kts*[19:44:05] Standard final approach conditions met*[19:47:16] Touched down at -145 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 2, roll: 1 degrees right, 103 kts*[19:47:28] Landed in 1460 ft, fuel: 4144 lb, weight: 38453 lb*[19:47:28] Taxiing to gate*[19:47:36] Flaps set to position 0*[19:47:54] The flight may now be ended*[19:47:54] Arrived, flight duration: 01:00*[19:51:52] Engine 1 is off*[19:53:30] Engine 2 is off

Flight Details

Gross Revenue:
(47 load / $ 250.00 per unit
$ 11, 750.00
Fuel Cost:
(881 fuel used @ 0.78 / unit)
$ 687.18



Flight Map